On Monday night, the Senate of the 111th Congress convened in the Environment and Public Works subcommittee. This committee discussed one of the greatest misuses of taxpayer dollars: Yucca mountain. The liberal, coffee sipping, elitist, Democratic Senators pitched lousy-ass, softball questions to appease their witness Energy Secretary Steven Chu all night. The Democrats spoke only about points that Secretary Chu had already prepared to answer. Yet a beacon of reason, a true voice of the people, Senator Mike Crapo of Idaho came forth to question the Secretary. Senator Crapo asked what Secretary Chu thought about killing the $10 billion nuclear waste site at Yucca mountain. Secretary Chu conceded that killing Yucca mountain was a "mistake"; a mistake, how about a travesty, a sin against the American people? Democrats wasting $10 billion dollars on a nuclear waste site that will never be used for anything is not based on reason; it is not based on what is best for the American people. Democrats have turned this promising prospect into a $10 billion "Hole to Nowhere". Shutting down Yucca Mountain is devastating to the local community in Nevada that was promised federal jobs. Call it a dream deferred or another government promise that came back marked "insufficient funds".
Only Senator Crapo challenged Comrade, I mean Secretary, Chu on this enormous government waste. He said, "Some believe that Obama cut [Yucca mountain] out of the bill to save money, yet this decision will cost billions more to scrap the program. This decision was politically motivated to appease Senator Reid (D-NV) in eliminating nuclear waste in his backyard". Senator Crapo suggests that the United States finish what we started: a nuclear waste program in Nevada. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NEEDS MORE POLITICIANS LIKE SENATOR CRAPO. These democrats would spend us into oblivion and throw away billions of dollars on political whims. AMERICA, THESE PINHEADS WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!
Only Senator Crapo challenged Comrade, I mean Secretary, Chu on this enormous government waste. He said, "Some believe that Obama cut [Yucca mountain] out of the bill to save money, yet this decision will cost billions more to scrap the program. This decision was politically motivated to appease Senator Reid (D-NV) in eliminating nuclear waste in his backyard". Senator Crapo suggests that the United States finish what we started: a nuclear waste program in Nevada. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NEEDS MORE POLITICIANS LIKE SENATOR CRAPO. These democrats would spend us into oblivion and throw away billions of dollars on political whims. AMERICA, THESE PINHEADS WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!
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